

Equivalent to fetch(@spawn expr).


In the Julia programming language, the macro @fetch is equivalent to fetch(@spawn expr). It is used to fetch the value of a remotely executed expression. The @spawn macro is used to execute the expression remotely and return a Future. The @fetch macro then waits for the completion of the Future and returns the fetched value.

Here are some examples of how to use @fetch:

  1. Fetch the value of a remotely executed expression:

    julia> @fetch 2 + 3

    This example executes the expression 2 + 3 remotely using @spawn and fetches the result using @fetch.

  2. Fetch the value of a more complex expression:
    julia> @fetch begin
               x = 10
               y = 20
               x + y

    Here, the @fetch macro is used to execute a block of code remotely and fetch the final result of the expression x + y.

Common mistakes or errors when using @fetch:

julia> @fetch x + y
ERROR: UndefVarError: x not defined

In this example, the variables x and y are not defined in the current scope. When using @fetch, make sure that all required variables are defined or accessible in the remote scope.

julia> @fetch 1 / 0
ERROR: DivideError: integer division error

Here, the expression 1 / 0 raises a DivideError because it is divided by zero. When using @fetch, be cautious of potential errors and exceptions that may occur during the remote execution.

See Also

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