
leading_zeros(x::Integer) -> Integer

Number of zeros leading the binary representation of x.

julia> leading_zeros(Int32(1))


The leading_zeros(x::Integer) -> Integer function in Julia returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of the given integer x. Here are some examples:

  1. Count leading zeros of an integer:

    julia> leading_zeros(Int32(1))

    In this example, the binary representation of Int32(1) is 00000000000000000000000000000001. Since there are 31 leading zeros, the function returns 31.

  2. Leading zeros of a negative integer:

    julia> leading_zeros(Int16(-10))

    For a negative integer like Int16(-10), the leading zeros are also counted. The binary representation of -10 in 16 bits is 1111111111110110, and there are 4 leading zeros.

  3. Leading zeros of zero:
    julia> leading_zeros(UInt8(0))

    When the input is zero, the function returns the total number of bits in the representation. For UInt8(0), which has 8 bits, all of them are leading zeros.

It's important to note that the leading_zeros function works only on integer types and returns the count of leading zeros in the binary representation.

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