
mimewritable(mime, x)

Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the object x can be written as the given mime type. (By default, this is determined automatically by the existence of the corresponding writemime function for typeof(x).)


  1. Check if an object can be written as a specific MIME type:

    julia> mimewritable("text/plain", "Hello, world!")

    This example checks if the string "Hello, world!" can be written as the MIME type "text/plain".

  2. Check if an object of a custom type can be written as a MIME type:

    julia> struct Person
    julia> person = Person("Alice", 25);
    julia> mimewritable("application/json", person)

    In this example, we define a custom type Person and check if an instance of Person can be written as the MIME type "application/json". In this case, it returns false.

  3. Use default behavior to determine if an object can be written:
    julia> mimewritable("image/png", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

    This example checks if the array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] can be written as the MIME type "image/png". If a corresponding writemime function exists for the type of x, it will return true.

Common mistake example:

julia> mimewritable("text/html", 42)
ERROR: ArgumentError: MIME type 'text/html' is not supported for values of type Int64

In this example, the MIME type "text/html" is not supported for values of type Int64. It's important to ensure that the specified MIME type is supported for the given object type to avoid such errors.

See Also

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