

The smallest power of two not less than n. Returns 0 for n==0, and returns -nextpow2(-n) for negative arguments.


In the Julia programming language, the function nextpow2(n) returns the smallest power of two that is not less than n. It returns 0 for n == 0, and for negative arguments, it returns -nextpow2(-n).

  1. Find the next power of 2:

    julia> nextpow2(10)

    This example returns the smallest power of 2 greater than or equal to 10, which is 16.

  2. Handle zero input:

    julia> nextpow2(0)

    When the input is 0, the function returns 0.

  3. Handle negative values:
    julia> nextpow2(-7)

    For negative arguments, the function returns -nextpow2(-n). In this example, the smallest power of 2 greater than or equal to -7 is -8.

Common mistake example:

julia> nextpow2(-14)

In this example, the user might expect the function to return a negative value since the input is negative. However, nextpow2(-14) actually returns the smallest power of 2 greater than or equal to 14, which is positive.

It's important to note that nextpow2 does not necessarily return a negative value for negative inputs; it returns -nextpow2(-n) instead.

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