

Get a unique integer id for x. object_id(x)==object_id(y) if and only if is(x,y).


In the Julia programming language, the function object_id(x) is used to obtain a unique integer ID for the object x. The object_id() function can be used to compare objects based on their identity rather than their value.

Here are some examples of how object_id() can be used:

  1. Get the object ID of a variable:

    julia> x = 42;
    julia> object_id(x)

    This example retrieves the unique ID for the variable x.

  2. Compare object IDs:

    julia> a = [1, 2, 3];
    julia> b = [1, 2, 3];
    julia> object_id(a) == object_id(b)

    In this example, even though a and b have the same values, their object IDs are different.

  3. Check object identity:
    julia> c = a;
    julia> object_id(a) == object_id(c)

    Here, c is assigned the reference to a, so their object IDs are the same.

It is important to note that object_id(x) == object_id(y) if and only if is(x,y). This means that the object IDs of two objects will be equal if and only if they are identical.

Please keep in mind that object_id() is an internal function primarily used for debugging and low-level operations. It may not always provide meaningful information in regular programming tasks.

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