
rem(x, y) %(x, y)

Remainder from Euclidean division, returning a value of the same sign as x, and smaller in magnitude than y. This value is always exact.


In the Julia programming language, the function rem(x, y) or % is used to calculate the remainder from Euclidean division. It returns a value of the same sign as x and smaller in magnitude than y. The resulting value is always exact.

julia> rem(10, 3)

julia> 10 % 3
  1. Calculate the remainder of two integers:

    julia> rem(15, 7)
    julia> 15 % 7

    In this example, rem calculates the remainder of dividing 15 by 7, which is 1.

  2. Compute the remainder with negative numbers:

    julia> rem(-10, 3)
    julia> -10 % 3

    The rem function considers the sign of both x and y. In this case, -10 divided by 3 has a remainder of -1.

  3. Get the remainder of floating-point numbers:

    julia> rem(5.5, 2.2)
    julia> 5.5 % 2.2

    The rem function can also be used with floating-point numbers. The remainder is returned as a floating-point value.

Common mistake example:

julia> rem(10, 0)
ERROR: DivideError: integer division error

In this example, rem encounters an error because the second argument is zero. You should avoid dividing by zero to prevent such errors.

See Also

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