

The process was stopped by a terminal interrupt (CTRL+C).


In the Julia programming language, the function InterruptException()

Raises an InterruptException to signal that the process was stopped by a terminal interrupt (CTRL+C).

Common example of its use:

julia> try
           println("Running a long-running process...")
           sleep(10)  # Simulate a long-running process
       catch e
           if e isa InterruptException
               println("Process interrupted!")

In this example, we use a try-catch block to catch an InterruptException if the process is interrupted by a terminal interrupt (CTRL+C). If the exception is an InterruptException, we print a message indicating that the process was interrupted.

Note: Since InterruptException is raised by the system, we usually don't explicitly call InterruptException() in our code. It is raised automatically when the process is interrupted by a terminal interrupt (CTRL+C).

See Also

assert, backtrace, code_llvm, code_lowered, code_native, code_typed, code_warntype, :@which, compilecache, current_module, eval, finalize, finalizer, fullname, function_module, function_name, include_dependency, InterruptException, invoke, isconst, isdefined, isgeneric, methodswith, method_exists, module_name, module_parent, require, subtypes, unsafe_load, workspace, __precompile__,

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