

Make an uninitialized remote reference on the local machine.


julia> r = RemoteRef(2)
RemoteRef(2, 0x0000000000000002)

Common examples of its use:

  1. Create a RemoteRef on a specific process:

    julia> r = RemoteRef(3)
    RemoteRef(3, 0x0000000000000003)

    This example creates an uninitialized RemoteRef on process 3.

  2. Use RemoteRef for distributed computations:

    julia> addprocs(2)  # Start 2 additional worker processes
    julia> @everywhere function myfunction()
              r = RemoteRef(myid())
              # Perform distributed computations using r
              # ...
    julia> @everywhere myfunction()

    In this example, RemoteRef is used to create a reference on each worker process for performing distributed computations.

  3. Combine RemoteRef with other distributed constructs:

    julia> addprocs(2)
    julia> @everywhere function myfunction()
              r = RemoteRef(myid())
              # Combine with other distributed constructs like @spawn, @distributed, etc.
              # ...
    julia> @everywhere myfunction()

    Here, RemoteRef can be used in combination with other distributed constructs like @spawn, @distributed, etc., for parallel and distributed programming.

Note: It is important to note that RemoteRef creates an uninitialized remote reference. To use it effectively, it should be combined with other distributed constructs or passed to remote functions for meaningful computations.

See Also

accept, bind, :@spawn, connect, fetch, getaddrinfo, gethostname, getipaddr, getsockname, init_worker, IPv4, IPv6, isready, issocket, kill, listen, recv, recvfrom, remotecall, remotecall_fetch, remotecall_wait, RemoteRef, send, setopt,

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