

Returns a TextDisplay <: Display, which can display any object as the text/plain MIME type (only), writing the text representation to the given I/O stream. (The text representation is the same as the way an object is printed in the Julia REPL.)


In the Julia programming language, the function TextDisplay(stream)

This function returns a TextDisplay object that can display any object as the text/plain MIME type. It writes the text representation of the object to the given I/O stream. The text representation is the same as how an object is printed in the Julia REPL.

julia> using TextDisplay

julia> io = IOBuffer();  # Create an I/O stream
julia> displayobj = TextDisplay(io);  # Create a TextDisplay object

julia> display(displayobj, "Hello, Julia!")  # Display the object
  1. Display a string:

    using TextDisplay
    io = IOBuffer()  # Create an I/O stream
    displayobj = TextDisplay(io)  # Create a TextDisplay object
    display(displayobj, "Hello, Julia!")  # Display the object
    # Retrieve the text representation from the I/O stream
    text_representation = String(take!(io))

    This example displays the string "Hello, Julia!" using the TextDisplay object. The text representation is stored in the io stream and can be retrieved using String(take!(io)).

  2. Display a custom object:

    using TextDisplay
    io = IOBuffer()  # Create an I/O stream
    displayobj = TextDisplay(io)  # Create a TextDisplay object
    struct Person
    person = Person("Alice", 25)
    display(displayobj, person)  # Display the custom object
    # Retrieve the text representation from the I/O stream
    text_representation = String(take!(io))

    In this example, a custom object Person is defined, and an instance of it is displayed using the TextDisplay object. The text representation of the object is retrieved from the io stream and printed.

Common mistake example:

using TextDisplay

io = IOBuffer()
displayobj = TextDisplay(io)

display(displayobj, 10)  # Trying to display a non-textual object

text_representation = String(take!(io))


In this example, the display function is used to display a non-textual object (Int), which is not supported by the TextDisplay function. The TextDisplay function is specifically designed for displaying objects as text/plain MIME type.

See Also

deserialize, eachline, eof, fd, flush, IOBuffer, ismarked, isopen, isreadonly, mark, nb_available, open, pipeline, position, read, read!, readavailable, readbytes, readbytes!, readline, redirect_stderr, redirect_stdin, reset, seek, seekend, seekstart, serialize, skip, skipchars, TextDisplay, unmark, write, writemime,

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