

Create a BitArray with all values set to false


In the Julia programming language, the function falses(dims)

Create a BitArray with all values set to false.

julia> falses(3, 2)
3×2 BitArray{2}:
 false  false
 false  false
 false  false

Provide common examples of its use. If there are any common mistakes users make, add an example.

  1. Create a 1D BitArray with all values set to false:

    julia> falses(5)
    5-element BitArray{1}:

    This example creates a 1D BitArray of length 5, with all values initialized as false.

  2. Create a 2D BitArray with specified dimensions:

    julia> falses(2, 3)
    2×3 BitArray{2}:
    false  false  false
    false  false  false

    It creates a 2D BitArray with 2 rows and 3 columns, where all values are set to false.

  3. Initialize a BitArray with dimensions from a variable:
    julia> dims = (4, 4);
    julia> falses(dims)
    4×4 BitArray{2}:
    false  false  false  false
    false  false  false  false
    false  false  false  false
    false  false  false  false

    Here, the dimensions of the BitArray are specified using a variable dims.

Common mistake example:

julia> falses(-1)
ERROR: ArgumentError: dimensions must be non-negative

In this example, a negative value is provided as the dimension argument. The dimensions must always be non-negative integers. Ensure that the dimensions provided are valid to avoid such errors.

See Also

all, all!, angle, any, any!, falses, ifelse, is, isinf, isinteger, isnan, isperm, ispow2, isreal, trues,

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