

Returns positive infinity of the floating point type f or of the same floating point type as f


Sure! Here are some examples of how the inf(f) function can be used in Julia:

  1. Get the positive infinity for Float64:

    julia> inf(Float64)

    This example returns the positive infinity value for the Float64 type.

  2. Assign positive infinity to a variable:

    julia> x = inf(Float32)

    It assigns the positive infinity value of type Float32 to the variable x.

  3. Perform arithmetic operations with infinity:

    julia> a = 10.0
    julia> b = inf(Float64)
    julia> c = a + b
    julia> d = b / 2.0

    In this example, basic arithmetic operations like addition and division are performed with inf. The result is always Inf.

Common mistake example:

julia> inf(Float16)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching inf(::Type{Float16})

In this case, the mistake is using the Float16 type with inf. The Float16 type does not support the inf function, so it results in a MethodError. Make sure to use a floating-point type that supports inf to avoid such errors.

See Also

digits, inf, isdigit, iseven, isfinite, isless, islower, isnumber, isodd, isprime, isqrt, issorted, issubnormal, isxdigit, nan,

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