
length(A) -> Integer

Returns the number of elements in A.


julia> length("Test")-1
julia> a = [1,2,3]
  1. Get the length of an array:

    julia> arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    julia> length(arr)

    This example returns the length of the array arr, which is 5.

  2. Determine the length of a string:

    julia> str = "Hello, World!";
    julia> length(str)

    It calculates the length of the string str, which is 13 characters.

  3. Check the length of a dictionary:
    julia> dict = Dict("apple" => 1, "banana" => 2, "orange" => 3);
    julia> length(dict)

    It returns the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary dict, which is 3.

Common mistake example:

julia> num = 12345;
julia> length(num)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching length(::Int64)

In this example, the length() function is applied to a single number, which is not an ordered, indexable collection. It's important to understand that length() is used for collections and not individual elements.

See Also

Array, broadcast, cat, combinations, conj!, digits!, fieldnames, fill, fill!, last, length, maximum, minimum, ones, parent, parentindexes, partitions, permutations, pointer, pointer_to_array, promote_shape, rand!, reshape, scale, similar, sum, sum_kbn, takebuf_array, transpose!, vec, zeros,

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