

Get the precision of a floating point number, as defined by the effective number of bits in the mantissa.


In the Julia programming language, the function precision(num::AbstractFloat) is used to determine the precision of a floating-point number. It returns the effective number of bits in the mantissa.

julia> precision(0.123)

Here are some common examples of how to use the precision function:

  1. Get the precision of a Float64 number:

    julia> num = 3.14159;
    julia> precision(num)

    In this example, the precision function is used to determine the precision of the num variable, which is a Float64 number.

  2. Check the precision of a Float32 number:

    julia> num = Float32(2.71828);
    julia> precision(num)

    Here, the precision function is applied to the num variable, which is a Float32 number, to obtain its precision.

  3. Calculate the precision of a custom floating-point type:
    julia> using DecFP
    julia> num = Dec64("0.123456789");
    julia> precision(num)

    This example showcases the usage of the precision function with a custom floating-point type (Dec64 from the DecFP package). It returns the precision of the num variable.

It's important to note that the precision function only applies to floating-point numbers (AbstractFloat types). Using it with other data types will result in a method error.

See Also

cmp, float, get_bigfloat_precision, get_rounding, get_zero_subnormals, isapprox, maxintfloat, mod2pi, nextfloat, precision, prevfloat, rationalize, round, set_bigfloat_precision, set_rounding, set_zero_subnormals, significand, with_bigfloat_precision, with_rounding,

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