
print_joined(io, items, delim, [last])

Print elements of items to io with delim between them. If last is specified, it is used as the final delimiter instead of delim.


julia> print_joined(stdout, [1, 2, 3, 4], ", ")
1, 2, 3, 4

julia> print_joined(stdout, ["apple", "banana", "orange"], " | ", "and")
apple | banana | orange and
  • The print_joined function takes an output stream io, a collection of items to print, a delimiter delim to separate the items, and an optional last delimiter to use at the end.
  • In the first example, the elements [1, 2, 3, 4] are printed to the standard output (stdout) with ", " as the delimiter.
  • In the second example, the strings ["apple", "banana", "orange"] are printed to the standard output with " | " as the delimiter and "and" as the last delimiter.

Common mistake example:

julia> print_joined(stdout, [1, 2, 3, 4], ", ", "and")
1, 2, 3, 4and

In this example, the user mistakenly provided "and" as the last delimiter instead of "and ". As a result, there is no space between the last item and the "and" delimiter. It's important to ensure the correct format of the delimiters to achieve the desired output.

See Also

:@printf, :@sprintf, display, displayable, dump, info, isprint, print, println, print_escaped, print_joined, print_shortest, print_unescaped, print_with_color, pushdisplay, redisplay, show, showall, showcompact, sprint, versioninfo,

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