

Releases ownership of the lock by the current task. If the lock had been acquired before, it just decrements an internal counter and returns immediately.


  1. Unlock a ReentrantLock:

    julia> lock = ReentrantLock();
    julia> lock(lock);
    julia> unlock(lock);

    In this example, a ReentrantLock is acquired using the lock function, and then released using the unlock function.

  2. Unlock a ReentrantLock with multiple acquisitions:

    julia> lock = ReentrantLock();
    julia> lock(lock);
    julia> lock(lock);
    julia> unlock(lock);
    julia> unlock(lock);

    This example demonstrates unlocking a ReentrantLock that has been acquired multiple times. Each call to unlock decrements the internal counter until it reaches zero, at which point the lock is fully released.

  3. Handle unlocking without prior acquisition:

    julia> lock = ReentrantLock();
    julia> unlock(lock);

    The unlock function gracefully handles the case where the lock has not been acquired before. It simply decrements the internal counter and returns immediately without throwing an error.

Common mistake example:

julia> lock = ReentrantLock();
julia> unlock(lock);
ERROR: Base.ThreadsLockStateException("Cannot unlock an unacquired lock")

In this example, the unlock function is called on a ReentrantLock without prior acquisition. This error is thrown because the lock has not been acquired before attempting to unlock it. Ensure that the lock is acquired before calling unlock to avoid this mistake.

See Also

:@async, :@schedule, :@task, Condition, consume, interrupt, istaskdone, istaskstarted, lock, notify, ReentrantLock, schedule, Task, task_local_storage, unlock, wait, yield, yieldto,

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