
besselix(nu, x)

Scaled modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu, $I_\nu(x) e^{- | \operatorname{Re}(x) |}$.


julia> besselix(0, 2.5)

julia> besselix(1, 3.7)

julia> besselix(2, 0.5)

In the above examples, the besselix function is used to calculate the nScaled modified Bessel function of the first kind of order nu at a given value x. Here are some common use cases:

  1. Calculate Bessel function at a specific order and value:

    julia> besselix(0, 2.5)

    This example calculates the nScaled modified Bessel function of the first kind of order 0 (nu = 0) at x = 2.5.

  2. Evaluate Bessel function for non-integer order:

    julia> besselix(1.5, 4.2)

    In this example, the nu parameter is a non-integer value (1.5), and the function evaluates the nScaled modified Bessel function at x = 4.2.

  3. Handle negative real part of x:
    julia> besselix(2, -3.7)

    The besselix function can handle negative real parts of x by using the absolute value of the real part.

Remember, the besselix function calculates the nScaled modified Bessel function of the first kind, which is denoted as $I_{\nu}(x) \cdot e^{-|\operatorname{Re}(x)|}$.

See Also

besselh, besseli, besselix, besselj, besselj0, besselj1, besseljx, besselk, besselkx, bessely, bessely0, bessely1, besselyx, hankelh1, hankelh1x, hankelh2, hankelh2x,

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