
divrem(x, y)

The quotient and remainder from Euclidean division. Equivalent to (x÷y, x%y).


  1. Calculate quotient and remainder:

    julia> divrem(17, 5)
    (3, 2)

    This example calculates the quotient and remainder of 17 divided by 5. The quotient is 3, and the remainder is 2.

  2. Handle negative numbers:

    julia> divrem(-10, 3)
    (-3, -1)

    It handles negative numbers correctly. In this example, -10 divided by 3 gives a quotient of -3 and a remainder of -1.

  3. Divide by zero:

    julia> divrem(10, 0)
    ERROR: DivideError: integer division error

    When dividing by zero, it throws a DivideError indicating an integer division error.

  4. Divide non-integer values:
    julia> divrem(10.5, 2.2)
    (4.0, 2.0999999999999996)

    The divrem function can also be used to divide non-integer values. In this example, 10.5 divided by 2.2 gives a quotient of 4.0 and a remainder of 2.0999999999999996.

Common mistake example:

julia> divrem(10, "2")
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching divrem(::Int64, ::String)

In this example, the function is called with non-numeric arguments. The divrem function expects numeric arguments, so make sure to provide appropriate numerical values to avoid such errors.

See Also

abs2, beta, binomial, ceil, cell, cross, ctranspose, ctranspose!, cummin, cumprod, cumprod!, cumsum, cumsum!, cumsum_kbn, div, divrem, eigfact, eigfact!, eigmin, eps, erf, erfc, erfcinv, erfcx, erfi, erfinv, exp, exp10, exp2, expm1, exponent, factor, factorial, factorize, floor, gcd, invmod, log, log10, log1p, log2, logspace, max, min, mod, mod1, modf, next, nextpow, nextprod, num, primes, primesmask, prod, realmin, sqrt, sum!, sumabs, sumabs!, sumabs2, sumabs2!,

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