
done(iter, state) -> Bool

Test whether we are done iterating


    done(iter, state) -> Bool

Test whether we are done iterating.

# Arguments
- `iter`: The iterator to check for completion.
- `state`: The current state of iteration.

# Returns
- `Bool`: `true` if iteration is complete, `false` otherwise.

# Examples

julia> iter = 1:5;
julia> state = 3;
julia> done(iter, state)

This example checks if the iteration using the iter iterator is complete based on the state value.

julia> iter = [true, true, false];
julia> state = 2;
julia> done(iter, state)

In this example, the done function returns true as the iteration is complete based on the state value.

Common mistake example:

julia> iter = 1:5;
julia> state = 7;
julia> done(iter, state)
ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 5-element UnitRange{Int64} at index [7]

Here, an error occurs because the state value is out of bounds for the given iterator. Make sure the state value is within the valid range of the iterator before using done. """ function done(iter, state)

Implementation code goes here


See Also

countfrom, cycle, done, drop, eachindex, enumerate, first, repeated, rest, start, svds, take, vecdot, vecnorm, zip,

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