

Read a UDP packet from the specified socket, and return the bytes received. This call blocks.


  1. Receive UDP packet and retrieve received bytes:

    julia> sock = UDPSocket();
    julia> bind(sock, "", 8000);
    julia> data = recv(sock);

    This example creates a UDP socket, binds it to the local address and port 8000, and then uses the recv function to block and wait for a UDP packet to be received on the socket. The received bytes are stored in the data variable.

  2. Handle received data with a specific buffer size:

    julia> sock = UDPSocket();
    julia> bind(sock, "", 9000);
    julia> buffer = zeros(UInt8, 1024);
    julia> bytes_received = recv(sock, buffer);

    In this example, a UDP socket is created and bound to the local address and port 9000. A buffer of size 1024 is created to store the received bytes. The recv function is used to block and wait for a UDP packet to be received on the socket, and the received bytes are stored in the buffer variable. The number of bytes received is stored in the bytes_received variable.

  3. Handle multiple UDP packets using a loop:

    julia> sock = UDPSocket();
    julia> bind(sock, "", 5000);
    julia> while true
              data = recv(sock);
              # Process or handle the received data

    This example demonstrates how to continuously receive UDP packets by using a loop. The UDP socket is created and bound to the local address and port 5000. The recv function is called inside the loop to block and wait for each UDP packet to be received. The received data can then be processed or handled accordingly within the loop.

Common mistake example:

julia> sock = UDPSocket();
julia> data = recv(sock);
ERROR: UndefVarError: sock not defined

In this example, the recv function is called without first creating and binding a UDP socket. It's important to ensure that the socket is properly initialized and bound before using the recv function.

See Also

accept, bind, :@spawn, connect, fetch, getaddrinfo, gethostname, getipaddr, getsockname, init_worker, IPv4, IPv6, isready, issocket, kill, listen, recv, recvfrom, remotecall, remotecall_fetch, remotecall_wait, RemoteRef, send, setopt,

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