

Get the time in nanoseconds. The time corresponding to 0 is undefined, and wraps every 5.8 years.


Sure! Here's the documentation for the time_ns() function in Julia:

The time_ns() function in Julia returns the current time in nanoseconds. It provides a high-resolution timestamp for measuring performance or timing operations.

julia> time_ns()

This example returns the current time in nanoseconds as an integer.

It's important to note that the time corresponding to 0 is undefined and the timestamp wraps around every 5.8 years. Therefore, the absolute value of the returned time is not meaningful, but the relative difference between timestamps can be used for timing purposes.

Here's a common use case for time_ns():

julia> start_time = time_ns()

# Perform some time-consuming operation or code block

julia> end_time = time_ns()
julia> elapsed_time = end_time - start_time

In this example, we measure the elapsed time between two time_ns() calls to measure the performance of a specific code block.

Please note that the time_ns() function relies on the system clock and its precision may vary across different platforms.

That's all for the time_ns() function documentation in Julia. Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!

See Also

:@time, :@timed, :@timev, now, sleep, tic, time, timedwait, Timer, time_ns, toc, toq,

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