
..  toq()

Return, but do not print, the time elapsed since the last :func:`tic`.


The toq() function in Julia returns the elapsed time since the last tic() call without printing it. Here are some examples of how it can be used:

  1. Measure the time taken for a computation:

    julia> tic()
    julia> # Perform some computation here
    julia> elapsed_time = toq()

    This example uses tic() to start the timer and then performs a computation. Finally, toq() is called to get the elapsed time without printing it.

  2. Measure the time taken for a specific code block:

    julia> tic()
    julia> for i in 1:10
              # Some code here
    julia> elapsed_time = toq()

    In this example, tic() is called before a specific code block, and then toq() is used to get the elapsed time after the code block execution.

Common mistake example:

julia> elapsed_time = toq()
ERROR: UndefVarError: toq not defined

In this example, the error occurs because toq() is called without first calling tic() to start the timer. Remember to call tic() before using toq() to measure the elapsed time correctly.

See Also

:@time, :@timed, :@timev, now, sleep, tic, time, timedwait, Timer, time_ns, toc, toq,

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