
..  Bidiagonal(dv, ev, isupper)

Constructs an upper (``isupper=true``) or lower (``isupper=false``) bidiagonal matrix
using the given diagonal (``dv``) and off-diagonal (``ev``) vectors.  The result is of type ``Bidiagonal`` and provides efficient specialized linear solvers, but may be converted into a regular matrix with :func:`full`.


Bidiagonal(dv, ev, isupper)

Constructs an upper (`isupper=true`) or lower (`isupper=false`) bidiagonal matrix using the given diagonal (`dv`) and off-diagonal (`ev`) vectors. The result is of type `Bidiagonal` and provides efficient specialized linear solvers but may be converted into a regular matrix with `full`.

# Example 1: Construct an upper bidiagonal matrix
julia> dv = [1, 2, 3]
julia> ev = [4, 5, 6]
julia> isupper = true
julia> b = Bidiagonal(dv, ev, isupper)
3×3 Bidiagonal{Int64,Array{Int64,1}}:
 1  4  ⋅
 ⋅  2  5
 ⋅  ⋅  3

# Example 2: Construct a lower bidiagonal matrix
julia> dv = [1, 2, 3]
julia> ev = [4, 5, 6]
julia> isupper = false
julia> b = Bidiagonal(dv, ev, isupper)
3×3 Bidiagonal{Int64,Array{Int64,1}}:
 1  ⋅  ⋅
 4  2  ⋅
 ⋅  5  3

# Example 3: Convert Bidiagonal matrix to a full matrix
julia> full(b)
3×3 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  0  0
 4  2  0
 0  5  3

This function constructs a bidiagonal matrix using the given diagonal (dv) and off-diagonal (ev) vectors. The isupper argument determines whether the matrix is upper or lower bidiagonal. The resulting matrix can be used for efficient specialized linear solvers. If needed, the Bidiagonal matrix can be converted into a regular matrix using the full function.

See Also

Ac_ldiv_B, Ac_ldiv_Bc, Ac_mul_B, Ac_mul_Bc, Ac_rdiv_B, Ac_rdiv_Bc, At_ldiv_B, At_ldiv_Bt, At_mul_B, At_mul_Bt, At_rdiv_B, At_rdiv_Bt, A_ldiv_Bc, A_ldiv_Bt, A_mul_B!, A_mul_Bc, A_mul_Bt, A_rdiv_Bc, A_rdiv_Bt, Bidiagonal, cond, conv2, det, diag, diagind, diagm, diff, eig, eigvals, eigvecs, expm, eye, full, inv, isdiag, ishermitian, isposdef, isposdef!, issym, istril, istriu, logabsdet, logdet, lyap, norm, qrfact, rank, repmat, rot180, rotl90, rotr90, sortrows, sqrtm, SymTridiagonal, trace, Tridiagonal, tril, tril!, triu, triu!, writedlm,

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