full(::LinAlg.QRCompactWYQ, ?)

..  full(QRCompactWYQ[, thin=true]) -> Matrix

Converts an orthogonal or unitary matrix stored as a ``QRCompactWYQ``
object, i.e. in the compact WY format [Bischof1987]_, to a dense matrix.

Optionally takes a ``thin`` Boolean argument, which if ``true`` omits the
columns that span the rows of ``R`` in the QR factorization that are zero.
The resulting matrix is the ``Q`` in a thin QR factorization (sometimes
called the reduced QR factorization).  If ``false``, returns a ``Q`` that
spans all rows of ``R`` in its corresponding QR factorization.


The full(F) function in Julia is used to reconstruct the original matrix A from its factorization F. Here are a few examples of how to use this function:

  1. Reconstruct a matrix from its LU factorization:

    julia> A = [1 2; 3 4];
    julia> F = factorize(A);
    julia> full(F)
    2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
    1.0  2.0
    3.0  4.0

    In this example, A is a 2x2 matrix. We factorize A using factorize(A) and then use full(F) to reconstruct the original matrix.

  2. Reconstruct a matrix from its QR factorization:

    julia> A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
    julia> F = qr(A);
    julia> full(F)
    3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
    -0.123091  -0.365148  -0.606205
    -0.492366  -0.547723  -0.603079
    -0.86164   -0.730297  -0.598954

    In this example, A is a 3x3 matrix. We compute the QR factorization of A using qr(A) and then use full(F) to reconstruct the original matrix.

  3. Reconstruct a matrix from its Cholesky factorization:
    julia> A = [4 12 -16; 12 37 -43; -16 -43 98];
    julia> F = cholesky(A);
    julia> full(F)
    3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
    4.0  12.0  -16.0
    12.0 37.0  -43.0
    -16.0  -43.0  98.0

    In this example, A is a symmetric positive definite matrix. We compute the Cholesky factorization of A using cholesky(A) and then use full(F) to reconstruct the original matrix.

Remember, the full(F) function can be used with different types of factorizations in Julia. It allows you to reconstruct the original matrix from its factorization efficiently.

See Also

Ac_ldiv_B, Ac_ldiv_Bc, Ac_mul_B, Ac_mul_Bc, Ac_rdiv_B, Ac_rdiv_Bc, At_ldiv_B, At_ldiv_Bt, At_mul_B, At_mul_Bt, At_rdiv_B, At_rdiv_Bt, A_ldiv_Bc, A_ldiv_Bt, A_mul_B!, A_mul_Bc, A_mul_Bt, A_rdiv_Bc, A_rdiv_Bt, Bidiagonal, cond, conv2, det, diag, diagind, diagm, diff, eig, eigvals, eigvecs, expm, eye, full, inv, isdiag, ishermitian, isposdef, isposdef!, issym, istril, istriu, logabsdet, logdet, lyap, norm, qrfact, rank, repmat, rot180, rotl90, rotr90, sortrows, sqrtm, SymTridiagonal, trace, Tridiagonal, tril, tril!, triu, triu!, writedlm,

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